Monday, 2 June 2014


 The Rig leaving England Oh My God!!! What have I let myself get into? 
Don't we need an Irishman and a Scotsman to complete the joke
 On board the Chunnal brilliant piece of engineering. Hard to imagine it's now twenty years old
I was told by John this was going to be a budget tour and we needed to be careful and watch our spending. The accountant in him coming to the fore? First nights accommodation that John sorted, pic below, I only had two words to say, 'Yeah Right'

 I let the side down really, doing hand washing in the bath of such a fabulous place my room third on right at top. However after being on the road for a week I was down to my last set of underpants,  The trailer made for great mobile dryer in 30 degrees heat on way down to Spain with no chance of it blowing off the line?
 Then on over this fabulous bridge at Milau, Designed by an Englishman?
 Not sure how that happen the designer must of been cheap? but it was sure a magnificent structure
John down on his knees praying to be let onto the ferry at Barcelona
 At last going aboard the good ship 'Fantastic' unfortunately not literally speaking but OK.
Probably it was more the clientele that had more to do with it?
                                             Leaving Barcelona harbour bound for Tangies
On arrival at Tangies Med. It was all about keeping ones composure
 Spent three days trapped behind this wire fence in Tangies Med port.
 Thank goodness we were aloud out at night but unfortunately the rig remained.
We were told we didn't need a carnet, those same two words came to mind

 At last out of the port and made Marrakesh at 11am to meet up with our buddy 
Graham Paul who had arrived two days ago.

Graham at top of pass in Atlas Mountains, around 7000ft
The Rig at to of pass in Atlas mountains has anyone noted the bikes we are taking for a ride? 
A dream come true first Glider flight for us at Ouarzazate International Airport runway 30.
 John was feeling poorly after all that travel, Yippee!!!! So Graham and I had the most memorable flight, even if he couldn't keep the string in the middle. I was being so careful not to pass wind as it had traffic in it
 Nice convergence trust there are many more to come
No place to land

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